Supporting Our Vision

Strategic Goal:

Ensure the necessary financial strength, philanthropic support, and public profile for St. Andrew’s to become the destination school for research-informed teaching, learning, and leadership.


  • To support the school’s transformational initiatives and capital projects
  • To invest deeply in faculty compensation and growth, need-based financial aid, and campus excellence through balanced reliance on tuition, philanthropic, and auxiliary income
  • To positively differentiate and strengthen the reputation of St. Andrew’s and the CTTL as research-informed leaders


  • Increase annual and capital giving to provide increased support for the operating budget and fund ongoing campus improvements.
  • Increase alternative sources of revenue to reduce tuition dependence.
  • Deepen alumni pride and support for St. Andrew’s present and future.
Ensure the necessary financial strength, philanthropic support, and public profile for St. Andrew’s to become the destination school for research-informed teaching, learning, and leadership.